Tuesday, August 28, 2012

More Recent Projects

Here are some more recent projects that I completed.  I saw the paracord ringed cross on Stormdrane's Blog, and between his instructions and those that can be found on JD's Tying It All Together YouTube Channel, I was able to put together a few ringed crosses.  I am still experimenting with them, as I beleive they make nice additions to a key ring or fob/lanyard, especially after seeing some of the examples on Stormdrane's Blog.

The above were a few fobs I made.  The Spydercos pictured are the Sprint Run Jester and the Ocelot.  Note the fob on the Ocelot has a Spyderco logo bead.  These beads were recently released by Spyderco and make a nice addition to a Spyderco.

This last piece is a fob that has a monkey fist and snake knots.  The monkey fist does not have any core, meaning it is purely a knot, and therefore, decorative only.  I've been experimenting lately with alternative methods of tying monkey fists - no core, small wooden bead, and ping pong balls.  One may ask why - it is to avoid the possibility of the moneky fist being classified as "slungshot".  I really like the monkey fist knot, but I have avoided making them with the usual core material, since I would like to avoid any chances of it being misconstrued as a "slungshot".  Also, I'm hoping that a ping pong ball core will result in a floating key fob, which could be very handy for things like boat keys.

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